Sunday, 7 January 2018

The 10 Most Stupid Things Restaurants Use As Plates

Seriously, Switzerland? What is this madness?!
2A meat cleaver
That’s just dangerous.
3 Under a wine glass
4A broken bathroom tile
That just doesn’t FEEL hygienic.
5A chunk of rock
Not cool.
6A wine glass
Bangers and mash in a wine glass? That’s just wrong.
7 A trowel
It just feels like they’d be dirty…
8A park bench
Not just a park bench though, there’s also pots and pails!
9A flat cap
It’s like where Oliver Twist would’ve kept his bread, if he’d had any.
10A weird, transparent plastic shoe.
It just doesn’t make me WANT to eat it.
 ( / 10) 

The 10 Most Stupid Things Restaurants Use As Plates
4/ 5


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