Friday, 5 January 2018


1Saying no to me is like saying no to god
My favorite is "natural births". Like if he one day found that perfect robot woman to satisfy all his conditions and needs. They'd get married and try to have a kid. Then after couple years of marriage the time finally comes, she's giving birth in a sauna or a tub or whatever, something goes wrong and doctor needs to be called or the wife and the baby are gonna die. The doc orders a caesarean, the guy extinguishes his cigar, throws the balloons in the garbage and leaves mumbling something about unnatural birth.
2Big scary men can't compare to being thrown off a horse
3Go suck your trees dick
4Chills down my spine from this old west outlaw
5I just started talking to this guy, this is the first thing he tells me. He claimed he was 18

4/ 5


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