Monday, 8 January 2018

Mad Lads Part 2

1A true drinker
No man, what are you talking about? That’s insane. Mad Lads are those who believe their previous or ongoing activity is something that only a hard person would do and they do not contemplate to post it on social media.
2Mental sanity.
Mad Lads are those who believe their previous or ongoing activity is something that only a hard person would do and they do not contemplate to post it on social media.
3Gone crazy
Mad Lads are those who believe their previous or ongoing activity is something that only a hard person would do and they do not contemplate to post it on social media.
4CS:GO with bots.
Lucky you, that’s past my bedtime. Mad Lads are those who believe their previous or ongoing activity is something that only a hard person would do and they do not contemplate to post it on social media.
5Random Ride
Lets be real, nobody can get on that level. Mad Lads are those who believe their previous or ongoing activity is something that only a hard person would do and they do not contemplate to post it on social media.
6Drink type.
That is just unreal. Mad Lads are those who believe their previous or ongoing activity is something that only a hard person would do and they do not contemplate to post it on social media.
7 Going to Seattle
k son, lets go LOL Mad Lads are those who believe their previous or ongoing activity is something that only a hard person would do and they do not contemplate to post it on social media.
8Taco Tuesday.
No rules apply on his type. Mad Lads are those who believe their previous or ongoing activity is something that only a hard person would do and they do not contemplate to post it on social media.
9Hot Chocolate.
In May? Are you serious man? Mad Lads are those who believe their previous or ongoing activity is something that only a hard person would do and they do not contemplate to post it on social media.
My brain cannot comprehend this. Mad Lads are those who believe their previous or ongoing activity is something that only a hard person would do and they do not contemplate to post it on social media.
 ( / 10) 

Mad Lads Part 2
4/ 5


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