Sunday, 14 January 2018

cringepics (10pic)

1I don't even know who you are
Yea, the first and last guy I dated did this. I had to choose what we do. I had to ask him questions. I had to message him. He wouldn't let me say hi to him at school(this was back in hs). He would constantly bring up the fact that I had never been with a guy and imply that he would change that, soon. I asked him once why he liked me, his response: you're pretty and have a great ass. Wow, thanks.
2When catching up with friends by tagging in FB memes goes wrong
This must have been one of those parties where you tell them they're not even drinking alcohol and they're too busy taking shots to even listen.
3I received this when I never gave him my address
English must be Nathan's second language, or it's a monster trying to imitate human speech. You should probably move before it assimilates you.
4Oh you were describing yourself
5Buddy of mine received this from a guy he barely knows
What... What is this? Some kind of sexual thing or just very bizarre social ineptitude?
6Two birds with one stone
The word "like" only changes if you react to that comment, that is, changes to the person that reacts to the comment. If someone reacts with "Haha" to your comment it will still show "like" as it is the first option.
7I wish we could mate.
8ok i guess thiis is goodbye
9One in, 4 weeks?
10How to make sure you never get to enjoy your girlfriend's boobs again
 ( / 10 Pic) 

cringepics (10pic)
4/ 5


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