Tuesday 9 January 2018

MRW the Jedi who killed a bunch of Tusken Raiders and Count Dooku tries to tell me killing Sith lord Palpatine 'is not the Jedi way.'

I could see that but its pretty careless since the alternative would be his death by Mace's hand. I think the scene itself lends to Sith Lord Palpatines ability to manipulate. While Mace is returning Palpatine's force lightning, Palpatine, first try to convince Anakin Mace is a traitor when that doesn't work he tugs at Anakin heart strings by saying he has the power to save the ones he loves. Eventually this wins Anakin over as he proclaims "I need him!" before dismembering Mace and allowing Palpatine to kill him. I still think Mace is one of if not thee most powerful Jedi in SS because of his ability to defeat Palpatine in this scene. No other jedi including his master yoda was able to single handedly defeat Palpatine (or Boba Fett, who he also killed). The man has a purple lightsaber the likes of which haven't been seen since and the gem used to create it was bestowed upon him only by saving an entire alien civilization. Finally, I end my argument that he would ultimately defeat any opponent he has by using the force move called Shatterpoint, where the user can actually see faults as cracks as they unfold.

MRW the Jedi who killed a bunch of Tusken Raiders and Count Dooku tries to tell me killing Sith lord Palpatine 'is not the Jedi way.'
4/ 5


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